The 2015 Anglo Nordic Baltic Theological Conference will take place on 13-17 August, in the Theological Institute, Turku, Finland.
The Theme of the Conference will be 'Theology in the Public Square'.
A formal call for papers will follow shortly, but early expressions of interest are welcome. The conference papers are generally 20-30 minutes long, and are given in English and circulated in advance to facilitate participation for those for whom English is a second language.
The papers aim to spark discussion and conversation rather than to be the 'last word' on a subject. Work in progress is welcome, as are reflections on practice and local contexts from non-academic contributors.
Suggestions for contributions should be sent to
The ANBTC is a biennial 'theological house party' with the aim of fostering conversations and relationships amongst clergy and laity, academics and practitioners, in the Anglican and Lutheran churches of northern Europe. See more on the history page.
The conference is organised by
Rt. Revd. Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin, Church of Ireland
Revd. Dr. Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, Vicar in Durham, Church of England
Revd. Dr. Mika Pajunen, Theological Advisor to the Archbishop of Turku.
All are welcome. We anticipate that this year's conference fee will be in the region of £160, full board, and we hope to be able to offer some bursaries to those who need them to be able to attend.