Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Theology in the Public Sphere: Programme taking shape!

The deadline for booking (15th May) is drawing close, and the conference programme is beginning to take shape.

Speakers and papers confirmed so far include:

Prof.Arto Kallioniemi  & others (University of Helsinki, Finland) – Finnish Pupil’s views on the place of religion in school

Revd. Dr. Catherine Shelley (University of Birmingham, England) – Death, graves and ashes: the public theology of death.

Revd. Dr. Alison Joyce (Rector of St Bride's, 'The Journalists' Church', London) - The Church and the Media

Revd. Dr. Miranda Threlfall-Holmes (Durham, England) - Theology in the Cyber-Sphere: Doing and Communicating Theology on Social Media

Revd. Rupert Moreton (Ireland/Finland) – Public theology or pragmatic process? A case study: same-sex relations.

Other speakers have been confirmed but paper titles are yet to be announced.

There is still time to register for this conference and/or to submit a short (20 minute) discussion paper! 

Anglo-Nordic-Baltic Theological Conference 2015
13th-17th August 2015
‘A Theological House Party’
Theology in the Public Square

The Anglo-Nordic-Baltic Theological Conference is a biennial gathering of lay and ordained, theologians and practitioners, primarily from the Anglican and Lutheran churches of Northern Europe. It takes the form of a theological house party, with short contributions around a common theme which aim to stimulate discussion, the building of relationships and sharing of experience.
You can find out more about the history of the conference – which has been meeting since the late 1920s and was instrumental in the development of the Porvoo network – at the history page of our blog, http://anglonordicbaltic.blogspot.co.uk.

The conference will be held in the Christian Institute, Turku, Finland: http://linnasmaki.fi/english/
We will begin in the late afternoon of Thursday 13th August and conclude with breakfast on Monday 17th, to facilitate travel arrangements. The nearest airport is in Turku itself; it is also possible to fly into Helsinki and take a bus, or take a ferry from Stockholm.

The cost of attending will be 250 euros per person INCLUDING CONFERENCE FEE, MEALS AND ACCOMMODATION: some limited bursaries will be available to participants who would otherwise find the cost of attending prohibitive. Applications for bursaries can be sent to miranda@threlfall-holmes.net and will receive an answer as soon as possible.
Call For Papers

The theme of the 2015 Conference will be Theology in the Public Square.
Proposals are now invited for short papers on any aspect of this subject. Papers are usually around 20 minutes long, allowing plenty of time for discussion and learning from all our many different contexts. Papers are delivered in English, the language of the conference, and are circulated in advance in order to facilitate participation by those for whom English is a second or third language.
We welcome and are hoping for a mix of papers by a mix of contributors: from academics, clergy, those working in public policy, artists and other creatives; on the idea of theology in public generally, or on specific aspects, questions or controversies; and from across all of the territories that we cover.
Paper titles and a short abstract should be sent to Rev. Dr. Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, miranda@threlfall-holmes.net
Conference registration should be sent to the Turku Christian Institute kurssipalvelut@tk-opisto.fi by 15 May 2015.